On Monday, 11/4/24, each child at MVMS will bring home a YELLOW paper called the 'Student Accountability Form'. This form will give you an overall view of your child's current achievement in their classes, as well as information about their behavior in each class and the number of tardies so far this school year. Our hope is that you can use the information on this form to have a detailed conversation with your child about their current achievement and to also help you determine which teacher(s) you would like to talk with during Parent-Teacher Conferences. CLICK HERE FOR AN EXAMPLE OF THIS FORM!
If your student is absent from school on Monday 11/4, they will complete the Student Accountability Form on Tuesday 11/5.
Reminder: All teachers are available for Conferences on Wednesday November 6th from 4:00pm-7:30pm and Thursday November 7th from 8am-3:00pm and 4:00-7:30pm. This year, Parent-Teacher Conferences will be open scheduling. This means that teachers will be available during all the scheduled times of conferences (listed above). When you come to the school, you can meet with any teacher(s) that you would like to. Our staff decided on this format to best ensure that families would be able to have direct contact with any of the teacher(s) that serve their child so that we can partner with you to have open communication about the specific strengths and needs of each student.
Thank you,
Ralph Wisner, Principal